A2L - The Sound Collides With Colour And Shadows Explode
While Acid House is synonymous with the Roland 303, A2L is unlikely an acid house
act. Instead, they stand as one of the finest examples of British psychedelic house
music from the late 80s, falling between the likes of S-Express, Funtopia, Eon, and
Acid Angels. With standout tracks like "Even Though It's Make Believe" and "Come
On," A2L delivers infectious grooves over strobelight sample jams.
This here is a collection of early and rare underground British psychedelic house gems
from 1989, blending the trippy, mind-expanding sounds of machine funk, new beat,
industrial/ebm, samplers and turntables techniques, with the birth of acid house
wonderland and captures the raw energy of the UK rave scene.
This is one testament to the creative freedom and experimental nature of that era.
For fans of the burgeoning British psychedelic and acid house scene.
A1. A2L - Welcome U A2. A2L - Even Though It's Make Believe B1. A2L - We Want the
World (Guitar Mix) B2. A2L - Rhythm Man C1. A2L - Trip Man C2. A2L - Trip Man (Spee
Mix) C3. A2L - Come On D1. A2L - Bootsy Sly D2. A2L - Play Me Some Beauaful
Dreamy Music