Various Artists - Congo Funk
The making of Congo Funk!, our long-awaited journey to the musical heart of the
African continent, took the Analog Africa Team on two journeys to Kinshasa and
one to Brazzaville. Selected meticulously from around 2000 songs and boiled down
to 14, this compilation aims to showcase the many facets of the funky, hypnotic
and schizophrenic tunes emanating from the two Congolese capitals nestled on
the banks of the Congo River.
On its south shore, the city of Kinshasa – capital of Democratic Republic of the
Congo, the country formerly known as Zaïre – is often seen as Africa’s musical Mecca,
the city that spawned such immortal bands as African Jazz, O.K. Jazz and African
Fiesta, and the place to which aspiring musicians from throughout the continent would
go to make a name for themselves.