Various Artists - Soft Selection 84
Celebrated new wave compila\on from Japan reissued for the first \me on Glossy Mistakes.
A much-cherished gem from the 1980s underground Japanese music scene returns as Sol Selec\on 84 is reissued by Glossy Mistakes for its 40th anniversary.
Originally released on DIY labelSol, the compila\on sees 13 tracks from nine acts spanning minimal, ambient, zolo and more for a beguiling listen.
The result is a charming \me capsule of eclec\c crea\vity in which nothing sounds dated. Take La Sellrose Can Can, whose two party jams predate Kero Kero Bonito's hyperpop by decades. In addi\on, an impeccable remastering from the original master tapes adds to the "could have been recorded yesterday" feel of the collec\on.
Sol Selec\on 84 also includes the eccentric Picky Picnic. One of the few featured ar\sts with recordings beyond the anthology, the trio is an essen\al act for those curious about Japanese art pop of the era. There is also new wave introspec\on from Name, whose "Do We All Need Love" plays out as a sensual nod to John Lennon. In a similar vein is Clä-Sick, the recording name of Goro Some, the compila\on's original producer and founder of Sol.