Vega Trails - Sierra Tracks (Vinyl + ltd 12” 300gsm artwork print)
“I had been thinking about Time, and how history repeats itself, but also how one can become trapped in thoughts, especially on difficult personal subjects, and how these become cyclical in our minds. But I also wanted to talk about how walking or running can help release oneself from these cycles and find clarity and order from tangled emotional thinking patterns. It’s like discovering a new path from your usual running route, and how that can change your perspective and help find a type of peace and acceptance.”
Through the album there are motifs and melodies that repeat from one tune to another, which of course resemble cyclical thoughts and memories.
“So, to me,” Milo concludes, “this record is an exploration of the relationship between the complex, tangled world of one’s mental processes and how moving through the tangible world, especially through nature, can help find definition and clarity.”
As such, ‘Sierra Tracks’ really is medicine for the mind, body and soul.
A1. Largo
A2. Els
A3. Murmuration
B1. Dream House
B2. Clarifantasia
B3. Reverie
B4. Murmur
C1. Old Friend; The Sea
C2. When this is Over
C3. Sleepwalk Tokyo