Mandrake Handshake - Earth-Sized Worlds
Mandrake Handshake announce debut double-heavyweight vinyl LP 'Earth-Sized Worlds', set for release February 21st via cult indie label Tip Top Recordings (Japanese Television).
The concept tying together every last note and lyric of 'Earth-Sized Worlds' - the debut album from the London/Oxford self-dubbed 'Flowerkraut' collective Mandrake Handshake - is an awfully simple one: 'Welcome to Space Beach'. A mantra to unite under one aesthetic roof the various creative compulsions of this complex, multi-limbed organism - varying at any one time between 7 to 10 members - it's an album that conspires the alienating vastness of the cosmos against the warm nostalgias of home. Full of surprise, leftfield turns and closeted experimentations, tape-soaked Brazilian Sambas morphs into Kosmische Kraturock crusades, and shimmering avant-pop electronics melt into sweetened psychedelic bliss... "Welcome to the Spacebeach - the new era of the Mandrake. Here, where the sea joins the sky, and where the trees touch the stars and where we will have you stay a while".
Time Goes Up / Hypersonic Super-Astroid / Charlie's Comet / The Change and the Changing / Lorenzo's Desk / King Cnut / Barranmode / Find the Tree and Dig (Deep)! / Earth-Sized Worlds